Greetings Brothers,
On behalf of our 34th Twelfth District Representative, Brother Kwame Dow, and the Brothers of the “Massive and Progressive Twelfth District” we greet you in the Name of our Supreme Basileus of the Universe and welcome you to the Twelfth District. We hope this communication finds you well and in good Omega spirits.
Reclamation is a mandate that coexists with the core foundations of our beloved fraternity. When done in the true Omega Spirit it is a sincere act of “friendship”. The Twelfth District Reclamation Committee is fully dedicated to the work of reengaging Brothers back into fellowship and service in Omega. The most important thing is extending the hand of friendship to our brothers and reclaim these Omega men back into the fold. We will only succeed in this endeavor if we have the commitment of every chapter and every Brother in the Twelfth to actively engage with Brothers on every level.
For those Brothers seeking to return, we applaud you for answering the call. The first and foremost concern is always with the health and well-being of each brother in every circumstance. Next, let us come back and fellowship at a chapter meeting or social event. Then, explore opportunities to contribute your interests, talents and expertise across the many diverse programs implemented within each Twelfth District Chapters across States. Your contributions will help the Fraternity grow and prosper as we continue to lead and uplift our communities by impacting them. In line with the International Reclamation and Retention Committee and Twelfth District.
Reclamation will take the lead making sure:
- Providing information and resources to the Twelfth District to engage inactive Brothers;
- Establishing goals and benchmarks to reclaim Brothers at the highest level; and
- Raising the level of awareness and creating opportunities for collaboration and partnerships.
Thank you again for taking the initiative to visit the webpage. There is much work to be done in the reclamation space towards fulfilling the vision of our beloved Founders. Be involved and be blessed.
Brother Kwame Dow
34th Twelfth District Representative
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.