History of Omega

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is the first international fraternal organization founded on the campus of a historically black college.
On the evening of November 17, 1911, Omega Psi Phi was founded inside the Science Building (later renamed Thirkield Hall) at Howard University located in Washington, D.C. The founders were three undergraduates — Edgar Amos Love, Oscar James Cooper, and Frank Coleman. Joining them was their faculty adviser, Ernest Everett Just. From the initials of the Greek phrase meaning, “friendship is essential to the soul“, the name Omega Psi Phi was derived. That phrase was selected as the motto.
Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift were adopted as Cardinal Principles.
On November 23, 1911, Edgar A. Love became the first Grand Basileus (National President). Oscar J. Cooper and Frank Coleman were selected to be the Grand Keeper of the Records (National Secretary) and Grand Keeper of Seals (National Treasurer), respectively. Eleven undergraduate men were selected to become the charter members. Alpha chapter was organized with fourteen charter members on December 15, 1911. Brothers Edgar A. Love, Oscar J. Cooper, and Frank Coleman were elected the chapter’s first Basileus, Keeper of Records, and Keeper of Seals, respectively. Brother Cooper became the fraternity’s second Grand Basileus in 1912 and authorized the investigation of establishing a second chapter on the campus of Lincoln University located in Pennsylvania. Brother Love was elected as the third Grand Basileus in 1912 and served until 1915. In 1912, Howard University officials did not initially recognize the fraternity as a national organization. Omega Psi Phi’s leadership refused to accept limited recognition. As a result, the fraternity operated without official sanction, until the university withdrew its opposition in 1914, the same year the Beta chapter was chartered at Lincoln University.
Omega Psi Phi was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia on October 28, 1914. Brother George E. Hall, the fourth Grand Basileus, authorized the establishment of the Gamma chapter in Boston. Brother Clarence F. Holmes served as Omega’s sixth Grand Basileus. Under his leadership, the fraternity’s first official hymn, “Omega Men Draw Nigh,” was written by Otto Bohannon. Omega played a vital role when the United States entered World War I in 1917 by having several brothers in the first class of black soldiers graduate from Camp Fort Des Moines, a military training facility located in Iowa. Several Omegas, including Campbell C. Johnson, John Purnell, and founders Frank Coleman and Edgar A. Love are among its graduates. A year later in 1918, retired Colonel Charles Young, rode 500 miles on horseback, from Wilberforce, Ohio, to the nation’s capital, to show he was always fit for duty.
Stanley Douglas served as editor of the first Oracle which was published in the spring of 1919. In 1919, Raymond G. Robinson, the seventh Grand Basileus, established the Delta chapter on the campus of Meharry Medical School which is located in Nashville, Tennessee. Stanley Douglas served as Editor of the Oracle, first published in the spring of 1919. When Robinson left office in 1920 there were ten chapters in operation. Harold H. Thomas, the eighth Grand Basileus, was elected at the Nashville Grand Conclave in 1920. During this Conclave, Carter G. Woodson inspired the establishment of National Achievement Week to promote the study of Negro life and history. The Atlanta Grand Conclave in 1921 brought an end to the fraternity’s first decade.
Omega built a strong and effective force of men dedicated to its cardinal principles of manhood, scholarship, perseverance, and uplift.
Xi Nu Nu History

History of Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter
West Valley Quez
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
On November 17th, 1911, at Howard University three undergraduate students Brother Edgar Amos Love, Brother Oscar James Cooper, Brother Frank Coleman, and their undergraduate adviser Brother (Dr.) Ernest Everett Just established Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The Founders of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. had a vision for the growth of the Fraternity. The vision was to expand the brand of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. across the United States and later internationally. Thus, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. expanded westward to the Pacific Coast, and in 1941 the 17th Grand Basileus Z. Alexander Looby approved the creation of the 12th District in Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Thus, upholding the vision of the Founders of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., 14 Brothers in the West Valley of Phoenix, Arizona, met on Thursday July 15th, 2021. The meeting was to discuss how to best serve West Valley communities in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. The 14 Brothers who decided to meet were Brother Terry Williams, Brother Bryant Jones, Brother Mark Washington, Brother Barry Kimmons, Brother Allison Reed, Brother Demond Bradford II, Brother Jermaine Sampson, Brother Courtney Boss, Brother Gustavus Lawler, Brother Fulwood Blackburn, Brother Charles Williams, Brother Reginald Harrell, Brother Arnold McCrary, Kevin Scott and Brother Derrick Golden. These 15 Brothers later became the Charter members of Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
During the meeting, these 14 Brothers recognized that Maricopa County, AZ is 9,224 square miles and the 4th largest County in the United States. The population in Maricopa County, AZ is 4.6 million residents with a black population of 558,000 residents. The Graduate Chapter, Phi Iota was the only Graduate Chapter in Phoenix, AZ for over 77 years. Phi Iota Graduate Chapter due to the massive growth in the Phoenix metropolitan area, focused all its resources to the East Valley, Central Phoenix, and South Phoenix communities. Thus, the West Valley of Phoenix, AZ was being underserved because of the lack of resources, and the brand of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. needed to be established. In addition, Brothers who lived in the West Valley of Phoenix, AZ had to drive 52 miles one way and 104 miles roundtrip to all Phi Iota Graduate Chapter meetings, and community service events.
This caused numerous West Valley Brothers to become either non-financial, non-participants, or unreclaimable due to the distance of travel. Brothers were also concerned because there was no footprint to promote the brand of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in the West Valley of Phoenix, AZ. Thus, the Brothers decided it was time the brand of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. be established in the West Valley. Thereafter, the 14 Brothers conducted a second meeting the following week. During the second meeting, the 14 Brothers voted to submit a Chapter Charter application. The Brothers began completing the Charter application and written justification for starting a second Graduate Chapter to present to the 34th 12th District Representative Brother Kwame Dow for approval. After completing the Charter application and the justification for starting a second Graduate Chapter, Brother Barry Kimmons approached Brother Dow. Brother Kimmons and Brother Dow had a brief conversation about starting a second Graduate Chapter, while attending the Annual Brother Charles C. Peevy History Workshop on Saturday August 28th, 2021. Brother Dow asked a series of questions, and informed Brother Kimmons to submit the Charter application for his review.
Brother Dow after reviewing the justification for starting a second Graduate Chapter, conducted a Zoom Video conference with 6 of the 14 tentative Charter members. The 6 Brothers were Brother Williams, Brother Jones, Brother Kimmons, Brother Boss, Brother Reed, and Brother McCary. The meeting was also attended by the 12th District 1st Vice-District Representative Brother Andrew Davis, and the Mountain West Area Representative Brother (Dr.) Andre Denson. The purpose of the meeting was to further examine the reasons for starting a second Graduate Chapter, the plan for the growth of the proposed new Chapter, the cities that the brand would be established, and what infrastructure would support the new Chapter. After the meeting, Brother Dow informed Brother Davis to set up a meeting with the Phi Iota Graduate Chapter leadership, and representatives for the proposed West Valley Phoenix, AZ Graduate Chapter.
The Brothers in attendance representing the Phi Iota Graduate Chapter leadership were Basileus Brother Larry Lopes, Vice-Basileus Brother Jeffrey Birthright, and Keeper of Peace Brother Stacey Ellis. The meeting was to discuss the views of the Phi Iota Graduate Chapter leadership and their support for a second Graduate Chapter in the West Valley of Phoenix, AZ. The Phi Iota Graduate Chapter leadership at the meeting, agreed to support a second Graduate Chapter in Phoenix, AZ. Next, Brother Dow conducted an evaluation process. The process lasted a month and a half. Brother Dow evaluation entailed reviewing a strategic and sustainability plan, speaking to the West Valley Brothers a third time about their Charter application and further conversations with the leadership of Phi Iota Graduate Chapter.
After Brother Dow evaluation, he approved the Charter application and justification. Brother Dow in his written approval, detailed the process he conducted before making the decision to approve the Charter application. Brother Dow at the end of his written approval stated, “the 14 Brothers assembled are capable of running and sustaining a Chapter in the West Valley of the metropolitan Phoenix, AZ area”. Brother Dow submitted the Charter application and justification to the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Supreme Council for approval on October 5th, 2021. The Supreme Council then met on Wednesday December 15th, 2021 to vote on the Charter application.
After reviewing the Charter justification, the Supreme Council voted to approve the Charter application submitted by the 14 Brothers from the West Valley in Phoenix, AZ. The Graduate Chapter was hence given the Greek Letters, Xi Nu Nu. In addition, a second Graduate Chapter was approved on this day, and given the Greek letters of Omicron Nu Nu located in Austin, TX. History was shared on this day because Alpha Chapter “Mother Pearl” of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. was Chartered on December 15th, 1911. Also, these two Chapters were the only Charters approved by the Supreme Council in 2021.
On January 6th, 2022 Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter conducted their first official meeting. The Chapter Officers were Basileus-Brother Terry Williams, Vice-Basileus Brother Brian Jones, Assistant Vice-Basileus Brother Mark Washington, Keeper of Records And Seal-Brother Barry Kimmons, Assistant Keeper of Records And Seal-Brother Allison Reed, Keeper of Finance-Brother Demond Bradford II, Assistant Keeper of Finance-Brother Charles Williams, Chaplain-Brother Jermaine Sampson, Parliamentary-Brother Courtney Boss, and Keeper of Peace-Brother Gustavus Lawlar. The main purpose of the meeting was to establish the road ahead for Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter. The road ahead consisted of creating a 501(c)3, collaborating with Phi Iota Graduate Chapter on 3 of the 10 Fraternity mandated programs each year, community service projects, all mandated Fraternity programs, building relationships with the Devine 9, conducting joint community projects with each Devine 9 organization, and the planning for the Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter Charter ceremony. In addition, the Chapter created their tag calling themselves the “Iconic Xi Nu Nu” Chapter.
On March 5th, 2022, Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter held it’s Charter ceremony. In attendance was the 12th District 1st Vice District Representative Brother Andrew Davis, members of Phi Iota Graduate Chapter, members of the Undergraduate Chapter Alpha Theta; Arizona State University, members of the Graduate Chapter Delta Alpha Alpha; Tucson, AZ, members from each Devine 9 organization, spouses, family, and friends. The Chapter Charter was presented to the Xi Nu Nu Chapter Basileus Brother Terry Williams by the 12th District 1st Vice District Representative Brother Andrew Davis. Brother Davis made the presentation on behalf of the 12th District Representative Brother Kwame Dow who could not attend do to another engagement. Brother Dow presented his remarks via YouTube to the Brothers of Xi Nu Nu Chapter and their guests.
Since it’s Chartering, Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter as of 2023 doubled its membership of Brothers for FY 2021-2022 and FY 2022-2023. This included 12 Brothers reclaimed by Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter. The Chapter also retained all of its members, and being financial on all 3 levels. Also, Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter presently has 37 members for FY 2022-2023. Furthermore, Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter conducted over 13 community services projects during FY2021-2022 and 6 as of January 2023 for FY 2022-2023. Some of the projects were walking in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Social Action March, participation in the Stop The Sex Trafficking Walk, meeting with the leadership at Estrella Community College to support student success, packing boxes at the Saint Mary’s Food Bank, clothes drives, voter registration, blood drives, partnering with local high schools to build student relationships for community service, shoe drives for low income individuals, and the homeless. In addition, attended an Aids Awareness conference, conducted a monthly park clean-up project, and hosted a Thanksgiving turkey with sides event at a local church. The Xi Nu Nu Graduate Chapter, of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. motto “Lifting As We Climb” and tag the “Iconic Xi Nu Nu” Chapter aligns with the brand of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and the visions of its Founders.
12th District

A brief history of the 12th District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated
In 1911, the Founders of this beloved Fraternity had a vision of not only starting a Fraternity, but of expanding it across this vast country, from a small Black college in Washington, DC, to the shores of California. In 1923, Lambda Chapter, affectionately referred to as “the pearl of the west coast”, was organized at the University of Southern California. Lambda is the only single letter chapter on the west coast. In 1925, Epsilon Psi was chartered at the University of California at Berkeley.
In 1941, under the guidance of Grand Basileus Z. Alexander Looby, the 12th District was created, comprised of California and the rest of the Pacific Coast. The initial District Organizational Meeting was held in Oakland, CA with a gathering of forty (40) or so brothers.
The 12th District has seen many decades and has been there with the four Cardinal Principals of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance, and Uplift. The 12th District has been a beacon of light and aspiration for not only African Americans, but all people of color, with Omega Men leading the way on many levels.
The 12th District continued to grow through the years. Three chapters were chartered in the 50’s; Eight chapters in the 60’s; Fourteen chapters in the 70’s; and fifteen in the 80’s.
Today, the Massive Twelfth District encompasses ten (10) states, four (4) time zones, and one thousand financial members. Geographically, the 12th District covers the largest contiguous landmass of any District under the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. umbrella, occupying approximately 1.6 million square miles.
In recent years, the 12th District has enjoyed a rich history. Brother Dr. L. Benjamin Livingston, Pi Rho Chapter (San Bernardino, CA), was elected as Omega Psi Phi’s 1st Vice Grand Basileus in 1979. Subsequently, in 1982, Brother Livingston was elected 32nd Grand Basileus. He is the only Grand Basileus elected from the District.
In 1986, the twentieth 12th District Representative, Brother Dr. Jewett L. Walker, Lambda Omicron, Los Angeles, CA, oversaw the chartering of the District’s 45th Chapter, Xi Gamma Gamma, a Marine Corp influenced chapter in Oceanside, CA.
In 1987, Brother Dr. Joseph Marshall, a member of Pi Chi Chapter (San Francisco, CA) founded the nationally recognized Omega Boys Club.
The 1990′s proved to be a truly banner decade for the 12th District. 1991 saw Denestine Lyle, representing Tau Tau Chapter (Compton, CA) win the International Citizen of the Year award. At the 1992 Atlanta Conclave, the 12th District was awarded the following International awards: Citizen of the Year award, given to Dr. Geraldine Welles, representing Zeta Rho Chapter (Los Angeles, CA); Undergraduate Chapter of the Year – Alpha Mu Chapter (Stanford University); Superior Service Award – Brother Marcus Bedford, Tau Tau Chapter; and, Undergraduate of the Year – Brother Sedrick Spencer, now the thirtieth, and sitting, 12th District Representative.
In 1992, the twenty-second 12th District Representative, Brother Raymond Gibson of Phi Beta Beta Chapter (Inglewood, CA) led the charge as the Fraternity chartered the second chapter in the great state of Alaska, Rho Iota Iota Chapter in Fairbanks.
In 1994, Brother Dr. Joseph Marshall, Pi Chi Chapter, was awarded $250,000 for the prestigious McArthur Genius Award for his work with the Omega Boys Club. Also, Brother Calvin Goode of Phi Iota Chapter (Phoenix, AZ) had the honor of having a downtown federal building named after him.
In 1995, Tuskegee Airman Brother Lincoln Ragsdale of Phi Iota Chapter was posthumously honored with the Phoenix Sky Harbor executive air terminal named after him. Also that year, the 12th District hosted the first ever Pre-Conclave “Kick Off” in Los Angeles, CA
In 1996, the four original Chapters of the 12th District – Alpha Epsilon (University of Arizona) and graduate chapters Sigma Iota (Oakland, CA), Phi Iota (Phoenix, AZ), and Lambda Omicron (Los Angeles, CA) celebrated their 50th Anniversaries.
1996 saw the 12th District host the 69th Grand Conclave in Los Angeles, CA, with Brother Tony Collins, Zeta Rho Chapter, serving as Grand Marshal. It was eighteen years ago when the twenty-fourth 12th District Representative, Brother Ricky L. Lewis and Brothers of Tau Tau Chapter (Compton, CA), started the annual Youth Leadership Conference. In 2011, the conference had a record number of youths (more than 500), and their parents, attend, with the Brothers of Omega Psi Phi participating as presenters and mentors, including a special appearance by Brother Steve Harvey.
In 1998, the 12th District made Omega history by re-electing the twenty-third 12th District Representative Bro. Carl A. Blunt of Phi Iota Chapter, Phoenix, AZ, as the twenty-fifth 12th District Representative. The District supported Brother Blunt’s successful election as Grand Keeper of Finance in 2002 and 2004, as well as 1st Vice Grand Basileus in 2006 and 2008.
In 2000, the Travis Williams Center was named for Brother Travis Williams of Phi Iota Chapter (Phoenix, AZ). Additionally, in 2010, American Legion Post 65 was named after him posthumously.
In 2003, Lambda Chapter, at University Southern California, celebrated its’ 80th year.
At the 2006 Little Rock Conclave, the 12th District was awarded the following International awards: 2004 International Superior Service to Brother Charles C. Peevy, twenty-ninth 12th District Representative; Tau Tau Chapter was recognized with back-to-back Graduate Social Action Chapter of the Year awards for 2004 and 2005.
In 2007, under the tutelage of Brother Charles C. Peevy, the Fraternity chartered the 12th Districts’ 51st chapter, Beta Mu Mu (Clark County, NV); Zeta Tau Chapter (Pasadena, CA) celebrated its’ 50th year, recognizing three of its chartering members – Brothers Oscar Harris, Arttus Waters and Dr. J.B. Singleton
In 2008, Brother Philmore Graham, the twelfth 12th District Representative, Theta Pi Chapter (Vallejo, CA) celebrated the 40 year anniversary of the original Continental Omega Boys & Girls Club.
In 2009, Brother Charles C. Peevy, spearheaded the culmination of the establishment of the Ernest E. Just Youth and Community Services Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) public charitable organization. Its primary function is to assist chapters in their mentorship activities.
In 2009, Brother Thomas McPhatter, the thirteenth 12th District Representative, of Phi Omicron Chapter, (San Diego, CA) joined Omega Chapter. As a Montford Point Marine, he saw action on Iwo Jima, and provided the pipe that was used as a staff to raise the flag of the USA; Phi Omicron also celebrated its’ 60th anniversary.
In 2009, Brother Sedrick Spencer, our thirtieth 12th District Representative, guided host chapters Beta Mu Mu & Kappa Xi of Las Vegas, NV, to the most financially successful Leadership Conference in Omega Psi Phi history.
In 2010, Zeta Upsilon Chapter (Seattle, WA) celebrated its 60th year.
In 2011, Tau Tau Chapter celebrated its 50th year, while Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Iota, Phi Iota, and Lambda Omicron Chapters celebrated their 65th year.
Internal Growth
In 1922, J. Alston Atkins, the 9th Grand Basileus, appointed the first district representatives. Today, eleven such officers are elected annually at district meetings.
Also in 1922, the office of Vice Grand Basileus was created. The Grand Keeper of Records became the Grand Keeper of the Records and Seal. In 1923, Lambda Chapter affectionately referred to as “the pearl of the west coast,” was organized at the University of Southern California. Omega Psi Phi becomes the first black Greek organization to span its membership across the United States – from the Atlantic (Iota in Atlantic City) to the Pacific (Lambda in Los Angeles). The Sigma chapter was organized at McGill University, located in Montreal, Quebec (Canada) on December 15, 1923. Brother Walter R. Dunston, the former Basileus of Phi chapter, set up the fraternity’s first international chapter with the assistance of Brother George W. Brown. In 1926, the memorial for Brother Colonel Charles Young is held at Arlington National Cemetery. Memorial Service is established to memorialize Brother Young’s birthday. The first Omega Bulletin was published in 1928 and Campbell C. Johnson was the editor. In 1930, Omega Psi Phi became one of five founding members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council with 13th Grand Basileus Matthew W. Bullock elected as its first permanent chairman.
“Omega Dear,” was adopted as the official hymn in 1931. Charles R. Drew, professor of surgery, and Mercer Cook, professor of languages, both members of the Howard faculty, were the composers. Cook wrote the music and first stanza; Drew wrote the last two stanzas. By mid-1930, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Federal Council of Negro Affairs or “Black Cabinet,” which was an informal group of African-American public policy advisors who were organized to help the country emerge out of the depression. Omega men: Robert C. Weaver, Lawrence Oxley, Roscoe Brown, Frank Horne, William Hastie, J. Arthur Weiseger, Ted Poston, Campbell C. Johnson, and William Trent were among those who served on the cabinet. Each of the founders graduated and went on to have distinguished careers in their chosen fields: Edgar Love became a bishop in the Methodist church; Oscar Cooper practiced medicine in Philadelphia for over 50 years; Frank Coleman became the chairman of the Department of Physics at Howard University and Ernest E. Just became a world-renowned biologist and the 1st recipient of the prestigious NAACP Spingarn Medal.